Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

So I've spent most of my day on the internet researching Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. It is also called wet brain or Korsakoff's psychosis.  This is the condition that my mother-in-law has been diagnosed with.  It is caused by an extreme thiamine deficiency that comes from lack of food & chronic alcohol abuse.  Basically it means that she has extreme memory loss, psychotic episodes & a major loss of coordination.  Although this condition is reversible in some cases with the administration of IV thiamine supplements & abstinence of alcohol, she refuses to give up her vodka tonics, so will likely never recover.  Very depressing.  There is basically nothing we can do for her besides make sure that she isn't left alone, so she doesn't burn the house down or something.


  1. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Disease, regardless of the type, is always a hard thing to bear. I wish you, her and your whole family the best through this difficult time.

    On a different note I love your background. I have to believe that is Everest. I actually know someone who made it to the top.

    The shy and clouds have always been very relaxing to me. I guess nature in general is nice as long as I can enjoy it from an air-conditioned dwelling. Just kidding; I do like to get out and go on hikes. Extreem weather and heat (as you know) is not a good thing. Beauty!

  2. Don't know what mountain it is. It was the only picture in the template collection that I really liked. I really miss the mountains, having grown up in a city that was surrounded by them. I used to go hiking on a fairly regular basis. Of course now I'm old & lazy & don't do much of anything except chase kids around. :D

  3. Awesome; trade one adventure for another. If you are chasing kids around and working the night shift you are anything but lazy!
